Saskia's Flower Essences

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“When a woman says, 'I have nothing to wear!', what she really means is, 'There's nothing here for who I'm supposed to be today.”  Caitlin Moran.


Flowers have an enormous amount to teach us … throughout their whole being they are their true selves… from seed to shoot to growth to fruit to seed they are themselves through and through. They don’t pretend to be something else to fit in, they don’t adjust their behaviour to help others feel more at ease, they know who they are and just do whatever needs doing to carry on with being them…

A rose is a rose is a rose (‘and by any other name it would smell as sweet’). It knows who it is and behaves accordingly – admittedly it adjusts to its environment but still through the wind and the rain, the pruning, the having to grow in less than ideal soil it is as true to itself as it can be.


So why is it us humans have such a hard time to be our authentic selves? And how do we get back to who we truly are?

Our personalities are made up of every experience and interaction we have had and beneath that ‘personality’ our true self lies. We are constantly adjusting ourselves, making ourselves more comfortable, shifting and exploring the different aspects of ourselves, growing and changing… and it feels(hopefully) as we get older that we move closer towards who we truly are …and then we go off the path a bit and have to pull ourselves back.


And this is where flower essences come in.


Taking a flower essence brings the vibration of that particular flower variety deep into our being. In this way it can share its unique lesson with us, it can bring awareness to how we aren’t being true to ourselves, show us how we can shift and change our behaviour to re-align with our true being, to shed the layers of protection we have built up around ourselves to shine our true light and to grow more into that which makes us who we are.

Each flower has its own lesson to share with us - some we might need more than others, some might speak to us more loudly, some we might resist as we aren’t ready to hear what they have to say yet, some might bring us to an awareness we aren’t comfortable with –but they all are waiting to be heard, to help us as humans grow towards the light and shine.

So please, please keep taking your essences and learn from them how to be truly you.