Saskia's Flower Essences

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Uncertain times

It seems that many of us are going through massive life changes at the moment – sudden loss of jobs, homes, partners, death of loved ones –the rug has been pulled out from under our feet… we are feeling wobbly, ungrounded, unsure of where to look for help, unsure of our future and longing to feel safe and secure again.

The political and financial climate around the world isn’t helping and those of us who are very sensitive are picking up on the fear and uncertainty around the globe as we become more and more aware of the fragility of our planet (or our species at least).

So of course I am going to say ‘don’t forget how much flower essences can help you shift and change how you feel’. Sometime it feels like this is all I am saying to people day in day out like a stuck record . I really don’t seem to be able to shout out loudly enough just how much the plant kingdom can help us in our hours of need, how much support it can give us, how much nurturing and how much the plants and flowers can shift how we feel about a situation bringing back hope and the energy to change things.


They are begging to be of service, to show us how to be, to change how we do things, to help us as a species and as individuals.

Here are just a few of the flower essences that I have been using myself and giving out to clients recently for the sudden changes occurring in their personal lives :

Dandelion (for grounding)

Cowslip  (for feeling safe/nurtured)

Twayblade ( for not being scared to jump)

Walnut (for support during change)

Borage (for feeling like you can cope)

Yarrow (for protection)

Rio Clarillo (for going with the flow)

Harebell (re-alignment)

I do offer an online dowsing service for anyone who needs help deciding which essences they need as well as consultations from my home (for now) in Wincanton (Somerset)

Sending BIG HUGS out to you if you need one today,


Saskia XX