We are all connected …..

We are all connected …..

Contact Us

We love hearing from you.

If you have any questions about flower essences, feedback about how our flower essences have helped you, press enquiries or wholesale enquiries do get in touch.

Email is best : info@saskiasfloweressences.com

If this is not possible Saskia’s phone number is 07554 187 006 (UK) . Please be aware that this is a mobile number - if it is not possible to answer she will try her hardest to call you back, or you can text or leave a message.

You can also write to us or visit our space at :

Saskia’s Flower Essences, Applegarth, 8 High Street, Wincanton BA9 9JP

Open: Monday - Friday 10 am until 1pm (if you are coming from any distance and want to see Saskia in person it’s always good to double check she’s going to be in)

 Our suppliers mean a lot to us… we would like to thank Discount Sticker Printing for our hardwearing waterproof labels and quick turnaround, Richmond Containers for their bottles and great service, and Wincanton Print for printing our brochures - we love just being able to pop down the road for them.