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As a flower essence producer it is tempting to make lots of essences to see what they help with but it can then be difficult to narrow down which ones people need and makes choosing much more difficult - also, before launching an essence, quite a lot of trialling and feeling into the plant occurs to get information about what it has to teach us - sometimes this process can take several years.
However, due to many requests from people, I have decided to make these research essences available for people to try.
The hydrosol essences are a new way of making essences and are micro-dilutions of steam distilled plants -click on the link above to read more about these powerful liquids. The trial essences are made in the more traditional ‘sun method’ way of making essences which is how nearly all of our single essences are made and eventually the essences here will probably be launched into our complete range of essences when they are ready.
If you have ANY questions about these essences or any of the others on this site do please get in touch.
Postage for any order is £4.10 for the UK and £15 elsewhere in the world except. All bottles contain 30ml.