10:00 AM10:00

A day of Yoga and Flower Essences in the Surrey Hills

I’m delighted to be hosting a day at the stunning location of Kilnhanger Yoga… The details are above in the flyer and the link for booking is HERE.

Maddy and I would love for you to join us. There is a maximum of 12 participants (ALL levels of flower essence knowledge and yoga welcome) so I would recommend booking soon.

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10:00 AM10:00

Advent Fair, Chaldicott Barn,Semley

  • Chaldicott Barn, Tokes Lane, (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

I’m going to be attending this very lovely event …

Featuring more than 25 designer makers, homeware brands, plant nurseries, books, fashion, locally-sourced food and drink.

Other brands going include Niwaki, Another Country, Bramley, Compton McRae, Pink House, Africa Odyssey, The Travel Book Company, Planted, Robert Kennett Garden Designer among others.

FREE Admission


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10:30 AM10:30

Distilling Hydrosols

  • Stables Cottage, Rectory Lane Wincanton, England, BA9 8ES United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This day is for anyone who wants to learn about distilling plants using a copper alembic still and is suitable for those wanting to learn more about the healing properties of hydrosols from beginners to herbal professionals.

We will cover the basic practicalities of distilling, how you might use hydrosols and the specific properties of some of the more commonly used ones.

You will smell and taste various hydrosols and compare their characteristics, their energetic and healing properties.

You will learn what hydrosols can be used for and how to take them for your pleasure and healing as well as the history of distilling plants and why one would distil a plant rather than use a tincture or infusion.

Cost : £120 including lunch, refreshments and a bottle of the hydrosol that we have distilled during the day.

This day is limited to a maximum of 6 people to enable you to get the full benefit from group interactions and to allow space for discussion and questions. My teaching style is informal and friendly.

To book your place or ask any questions please email me. A non refundable deposit of £30 is required to secure your place.

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10:30 AM10:30

Delving deeper into flower essences and plant energy.

  • Stables Cottage, Rectory Lane,Wincanton BA9 8ES (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This day is designed for people who have already used flower essences personally or in their practises and want to delve deeper into my flower essence range in particular and learn more about the individual essences.

You will also have the opportunity to make up your own flower essence blend from my range as well as spend time in nature connecting to the plants, learn to dowse if you don’t already and connect with like minded people

We will cover how to make your own essences as well as exploring different ways of choosing them for yourself and others.

Cost : £120 including lunch, refreshments and your own flower essence blend

This day is limited to a maximum of 6 people to enable you to get the full benefit from group interactions and to allow space for discussion and questions. My teaching style is informal and friendly.

Email Saskia to book your place. A non refundable deposit for £30 is required and the remaining payment is due a week before the course.

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10:30 AM10:30

Distilling Hydrosols

  • Stables Cottage, Rectory Lane Wincanton, England, BA9 8ES United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This day is for anyone who wants to learn about distilling plants using a copper alembic still and is suitable for those wanting to learn more about the healing properties of hydrosols from beginners to herbal professionals.

We will cover the basic practicalities of distilling, how you might use hydrosols and the specific properties of some of the more commonly used ones.

You will smell and taste various hydrosols and compare their characteristics, their energetic and healing properties.

You will learn what hydrosols can be used for and how to take them for your pleasure and healing as well as the history of distilling plants and why one would distil a plant rather than use a tincture or infusion.

Cost : £120 including lunch, refreshments and a bottle of the hydrosol that we have distilled during the day.

This day is limited to a maximum of 6 people to enable you to get the full benefit from group interactions and to allow space for discussion and questions. My teaching style is informal and friendly.

To book your place or ask any questions please email me. A non refundable deposit of £30 is required to secure your place.

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to Sep 25

Eat Nourish Love Autumn Fair

  • Tedworth Park, Tidworth, Wiltshire SP9 7AH (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

I’m delighted to be attending this fabulous event for the first time ….I’ve heard great things about it…

I’ll have my full range of products and will be available to chat.

More details here : https://www.eatnourishlove.com/enl-autumn-fair/

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10:30 AM10:30

Distilling Hydrosols

  • Stables Cottage, Rectory Lane Wincanton, England, BA9 8ES United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This day is for anyone who wants to learn about distilling plants using a copper alembic still and is suitable for those wanting to learn more about the healing properties of hydrosols from beginners to herbal professionals.

We will cover the basic practicalities of distilling, how you might use hydrosols and the specific properties of some of the more commonly used ones.

You will smell and taste various hydrosols and compare their characteristics, their energetic and healing properties.

You will learn what hydrosols can be used for and how to take them for your pleasure and healing as well as the history of distilling plants and why one would distil a plant rather than use a tincture or infusion.

Cost : £120 including lunch, refreshments and a bottle of the hydrosol that we have distilled during the day.

This day is limited to a maximum of 6 people to enable you to get the full benefit from group interactions and to allow space for discussion and questions. My teaching style is informal and friendly.

To book your place or ask any questions please email me. A non refundable deposit of £30 is required to secure your place.

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10:30 AM10:30

Distilling Hydrosols

  • Stables Cottage, Rectory Lane Wincanton, England, BA9 8ES United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


This day is for anyone who wants to learn about distilling plants using a copper alembic still and is suitable for those wanting to learn more about the healing properties of hydrosols from beginners to herbal professionals.

We will cover the basic practicalities of distilling, how you might use hydrosols and the specific properties of some of the more commonly used ones.

You will smell and taste various hydrosols and compare their characteristics, their energetic and healing properties.

You will learn what hydrosols can be used for and how to take them for your pleasure and healing as well as the history of distilling plants and why one would distil a plant rather than use a tincture or infusion.

Cost : £120 including lunch, refreshments and a bottle of the hydrosol that we have distilled during the day.

This day is limited to a maximum of 6 people to enable you to get the full benefit from group interactions and to allow space for discussion and questions. My teaching style is informal and friendly.

To book your place or ask any questions please email me. A non refundable deposit of £30 is required to secure your place.

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10:30 AM10:30

Learning about Flower Essences

  • Stables Cottage, Rectory Lane Wincanton BA9 8ES United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Spend a day with Saskia at her home learning about the energetics of plants, what flower essences are, how they work and how they can help you. Plunge yourself deeper into feeling the plants living around you and accessing their lessons and healing. Find out what flowers you need to move forward with your life and how you can use their healing for yourself and your loved ones.

This will be an experiential day including plant meditations, mixing up your own flower essence combination, learning how to make flower essences and how to dowse using a pendulum, as well as finding out more about what individual flowers have to teach you and different ways of accessing their energy.

Saskia has been learning and teaching about flower essences for more than a decade and is passionate about passing on information and helping people see and experience the plant world in a different way. 

This day is open to all whatever your previous experience and the content will be adjusted to each groups individual needs.The day includes lunch and refreshments, informal time for discussion and the opportunity to connect with plants and other people. Numbers limited to 6.

Cost : £120 including lunch and refreshments and your own personal flower essence blend

Email Saskia to book your place. A non refundable deposit for £30 is required and the remaining payment is due a week before the course.

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to Jul 14

Power of Plants Festival

I’m delighted to be having a stall at the delightful and inspiring Power of Plants Festival at Hawkwood College, near Stroud again this year.

AND I will also be giving a talk about using flower essences alongside herbal medicine on Sunday 14th at 1pm.

This event is incredibly friendly, low key and, if you are interested in the healing power of plants there are some great speakers and lots of other herby stuff going on…. and you can camp onsite or just come for the day.

It would be great to see you there.

More details here : https://nimh.org.uk/pop-festival/

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10:30 AM10:30

Distilling Roses

  • Stables Cottage, Rectory Lane Wincanton, England, BA9 8ES United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


As it’s midsummer we will be picking and distilling rose petals.. however this day is for anyone who wants to learn about distilling all sorts of plants using a copper alembic still and is suitable for those wanting to learn more about the healing properties of hydrosols from beginners to herbal professionals.

We will cover the basic practicalities of distilling, how you might use hydrosols and the specific properties of some of the more commonly used ones.

You will smell and taste various hydrosols and compare their characteristics, their energetic and healing properties.

You will learn what hydrosols can be used for and how to take them for your pleasure and healing as well as the history of distilling plants and why one would distil a plant rather than use a tincture or infusion.

(most people go away from this day confident enough to get distilling at home)

Cost : £120 including lunch, refreshments and a bottle of the hydrosol that we have distilled during the day.

This day is limited to a maximum of 6 people to enable you to get the full benefit from group interactions and to allow space for discussion and questions. My teaching style is informal and friendly.

To book your place or ask any questions please email me. A non refundable deposit of £30 is required to secure your place.

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10:30 AM10:30

Summer Solstice day of flower energy.

  • Stables Cottage, Rectory Lane,Wincanton BA9 8ES (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

A solstice celebration of flowers and their energy…

This day is designed for people who have already used flower essences personally or in their practises and want to go deeper… I’m not quite sure what this day will bring but….

You will definitely have the opportunity to make up your own flower essence blend from my range, spend time in nature connecting to the plants, learn to dowse if you don’t already and connect with like minded people… and who knows what else…

We will cover how to make your own essences (and may even make one ourselves) as well as exploring different ways of choosing them for yourself and others.

Cost : £120 including lunch and your own flower essence blend

This day is limited to a maximum of 6 people to enable you to get the full benefit from group interactions and to allow space for discussion and questions. My teaching style is informal and friendly.

Email Saskia to book your place. A non refundable deposit for £30 is required and the remaining payment is due a week before the course.

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10:30 AM10:30

Distilling Hydrosols

  • Stables Cottage, Rectory Lane Wincanton, England, BA9 8ES United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This day is for anyone who wants to learn about distilling plants using a copper alembic still and is suitable for those wanting to learn more about the healing properties of hydrosols from beginners to herbal professionals.

We will cover the basic practicalities of distilling, how you might use hydrosols and the specific properties of some of the more commonly used ones.

You will smell and taste various hydrosols and compare their characteristics, their energetic and healing properties.

You will learn what hydrosols can be used for and how to take them for your pleasure and healing as well as the history of distilling plants and why one would distil a plant rather than use a tincture or infusion.

Cost : £120 including lunch, refreshments and a bottle of the hydrosol that we have distilled during the day.

This day is limited to a maximum of 6 people to enable you to get the full benefit from group interactions and to allow space for discussion and questions. My teaching style is informal and friendly.

To book your place or ask any questions please email me. A non refundable deposit of £30 is required to secure your place.

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to May 5

Two days of flower magic

  • Saskia's Flower Essences (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Often at the end of my day classes the group, and myself, have wanted to come back the next day for more … so I thought I would offer a two day experience.

This will be for people who already know the basics about flower essences and want to learn more about our whole range of essences as well as my research hydrosol essences.

There will be time for making up your own flower essence blend, a guided walk getting to know many of the plants in our range where they grow naturally, plant meditations, dowsing using a pendulum, lots of discussion and more (the weather might even be good enough for us to make an essence!)

If you have already been on one of my delving deeper days at my home this would be a perfect follow on, but you are also very welcome if you’ve never been to one of my classes before but know a bit(or a lot) about flower essences.

Maximum 6 people.

The cost will be £260 which will include lunch on both days, refreshments, supper on the Saturday evening and your own flower essence blend.

Email Saskia to book your place and any queries. A non refundable deposit for £50 is required and the remaining payment is due a week before the course. We’re more than happy to give suggestions for local accommodation.

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10:30 AM10:30

Delving deeper into flower essences and plant energy.

  • Stables Cottage, Rectory Lane,Wincanton BA9 8ES (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


This day is designed for people who have already used flower essences personally or in their practises and want to delve deeper into my flower essence range in particular and learn more about the individual essences.

You will also have the opportunity to make up your own flower essence blend from my range as well as spend time in nature connecting to the plants, learn to dowse if you don’t already and connect with like minded people

We will cover how to make your own essences as well as exploring different ways of choosing them for yourself and others.

Cost : £120 including lunch and your own flower essence blend

This day is limited to a maximum of 6 people to enable you to get the full benefit from group interactions and to allow space for discussion and questions. My teaching style is informal and friendly.

Email Saskia to book your place. A non refundable deposit for £30 is required and the remaining payment is due a week before the course.

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10:30 AM10:30

Distilling Hydrosols

  • Stables Cottage, Rectory Lane Wincanton, England, BA9 8ES United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This day is for anyone who wants to learn about distilling plants using a copper alembic still and is suitable for those wanting to learn more about the healing properties of hydrosols from beginners to herbal professionals.

We will cover the basic practicalities of distilling, how you might use hydrosols and the specific properties of some of the more commonly used ones.

You will smell and taste various hydrosols and compare their characteristics, their energetic and healing properties.

You will learn what hydrosols can be used for and how to take them for your pleasure and healing as well as the history of distilling plants and why one would distil a plant rather than use a tincture or infusion.

Cost : £120 including lunch, refreshments and a bottle of the hydrosol that we have distilled during the day.

This day is limited to a maximum of 6 people to enable you to get the full benefit from group interactions and to allow space for discussion and questions. My teaching style is informal and friendly.

To book your place or ask any questions please email me. A non refundable deposit of £30 is required to secure your place.

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10:30 AM10:30

Delving deeper into flower essences and plant energy.

  • Stables Cottage, Rectory Lane,Wincanton BA9 8ES (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This day is designed for people who have already used flower essences personally or in their practises and want to delve deeper into my flower essence range in particular and learn more about the individual essences.

You will also have the opportunity to make up your own flower essence blend from my range as well as spend time in nature connecting to the plants, learn to dowse if you don’t already and connect with like minded people

We will cover how to make your own essences as well as exploring different ways of choosing them for yourself and others.

Cost : £120 including lunch, refreshments and your own flower essence blend

This day is limited to a maximum of 6 people to enable you to get the full benefit from group interactions and to allow space for discussion and questions. My teaching style is informal and friendly.

Email Saskia to book your place. A non refundable deposit for £30 is required and the remaining payment is due a week before the course.

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10:30 AM10:30

Learning about Flower Essences

  • Stables Cottage, Rectory Lane Wincanton BA9 8ES United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Spend a day with Saskia at her home learning about the energetics of plants, what flower essences are, how they work and how they can help you. Plunge yourself deeper into feeling the plants living around you and accessing their lessons and healing. Find out what flowers you need to move forward with your life and how you can use their healing for yourself and your loved ones.

This will be an experiential day including plant meditations, mixing up your own flower essence combination, learning how to make flower essences and how to dowse using a pendulum, as well as finding out more about what individual flowers have to teach you and different ways of accessing their energy.

Saskia has been learning and teaching about flower essences for more than a decade and is passionate about passing on information and helping people see and experience the plant world in a different way. 

This day is open to all whatever your previous experience and the content will be adjusted to each groups individual needs.The day includes lunch and refreshments, informal time for discussion and the opportunity to connect with plants and other people. Numbers limited to 6.

Cost : £120 including lunch and refreshments and your own personal flower essence blend

Email Saskia to book your place. A non refundable deposit for £30 is required and the remaining payment is due a week before the course.

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9:30 AM09:30

One day Flower Essence Retreat

This day is a collaboration between me and Alchemy in the New Forest and is being held near Ringwood, Dorset.

The cost is £120 and includes:

* rose cacao in the forest.

* vegan lunch

* Make up your own flower essence blend

* Sound healing with our wonderful planetary and elemental gongs and alchemy crystal bowls.

And is being held on a full moon

Book here

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10:30 AM10:30

Learning about Flower Essences

  • Stables Cottage, Rectory Lane Wincanton BA9 8ES United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Spend a day with Saskia learning about the energetics of plants, what flower essences are, how they work and how they can help you. Plunge yourself deeper into feeling the plants living around you and accessing their lessons and healing. Find out what flowers you need to move forward with your life and how you can use their healing for yourself and your loved ones.

This will be an experiential day including plant meditations, mixing up your own flower essence combination, learning how to make flower essences and how to dowse using a pendulum, as well as finding out more about what individual flowers have to teach you and different ways of accessing their energy.

Saskia has been learning and teaching about flower essences for more than a decade and is passionate about passing on information and helping people see and experience the plant world in a different way. 

This day is open to all and includes lunch and refreshments, informal time for discussion and the opportunity to connect with plants and other people. Numbers limited to 5

Cost : £110 including lunch and refreshments and your own personal flower essence blend

Email Saskia to book your place. A non refundable deposit for £30 is required and the remaining payment is due a week before the course

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10:30 AM10:30

Distilling Hydrosols

  • Stables Cottage, Rectory Lane Wincanton, England, BA9 8ES United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


This day is for anyone who wants to learn about distilling plants using a copper alembic still and is suitable for those wanting to learn more about the healing properties of hydrosols from beginners to herbal professionals.

We will cover the basic practicalities of distilling, how you might use hydrosols and the specific properties of some of the more commonly used ones.

You will smell and taste various hydrosols and compare their characteristics, their energetic and healing properties.

You will learn what hydrosols can be used for and how to take them for your pleasure and healing as well as the history of distilling plants and why one would distil a plant rather than use a tincture or infusion.

Cost : £110 including lunch, refreshments and a bottle of the hydrosol that we have distilled during the day.

This day is limited to a maximum of 5 people to enable you to get the full benefit from group interactions and to allow space for discussion and questions. My teaching style is informal and friendly.

To book your place or ask any questions please email me. A non refundable deposit of £30 is required to secure your place.

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10:30 AM10:30

Delving deeper into flower essences and plant energy.

  • Stables Cottage, Rectory Lane,Wincanton BA9 8ES (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This day is designed for people who have already used flower essences personally or in their practises and want to delve deeper into my flower essence range and learn more about the individual essences.

You will also have the opportunity to make up your own blend from my range as well as spend time in nature connecting to the plants and learn to dowse if you don’t already.

We will cover how to make your own essences as well as exploring different ways of choosing them for yourself and others.

Cost : £110 including lunch and your own flower essence blend

This day is limited to a maximum of 5 people to enable you to get the full benefit from group interactions and to allow space for discussion and questions. My teaching style is informal and friendly.

Email Saskia to book your place. A non refundable deposit for £30 is required and the remaining payment is due a week before the course

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10:30 AM10:30

Distilling Hydrosols

  • Stables Cottage, Rectory Lane Wincanton, England, BA9 8ES United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This day is for anyone who wants to learn about distilling plants using a copper alembic still and is suitable for those wanting to learn more about the healing properties of hydrosols from beginners to herbal professionals.

We will cover the basic practicalities of distilling, how you might use hydrosols and the specific properties of some of the more commonly used ones.

You will smell and taste various hydrosols and compare their characteristics, their energetic and healing properties.

You will learn what hydrosols can be used for and how to take them for your pleasure and healing as well as the history of distilling plants and why one would distil a plant rather than use a tincture or infusion.

Cost : £110 including lunch, refreshments and a bottle of the hydrosol that we have distilled during the day.

This day is limited to a maximum of 5 people to enable you to get the full benefit from group interactions and to allow space for discussion and questions. My teaching style is informal and friendly.

To book your place or ask any questions please email me. A non refundable deposit of £30 is required to secure your place.

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10:30 AM10:30

Delving deeper into flower essences and plant energy.

  • Stables Cottage, Rectory Lane,Wincanton BA9 8ES (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This day is designed for people who have already used flower essences personally or in their practises and want to delve deeper into my flower essence range and learn more about the individual essences.

You will also have the opportunity to make up your own blend from my range as well as spend time in nature connecting to the plants and learn to dowse if you don’t already.

We will cover how to make your own essences as well as exploring different ways of choosing them for yourself and others.

Cost : £110 including lunch and your own flower essence blend

This day is limited to a maximum of 5 people to enable you to get the full benefit from group interactions and to allow space for discussion and questions. My teaching style is informal and friendly.

Email Saskia to book your place. A non refundable deposit for £30 is required and the remaining payment is due a week before the course

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10:30 AM10:30

Learning about Flower Essences

  • Stables Cottage, Rectory Lane Wincanton BA9 8ES United Kingdom (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Spend a day with Saskia learning about the energetics of plants, what flower essences are, how they work and how they can help you. Plunge yourself deeper into feeling the plants living around you and accessing their lessons and healing. Find out what flowers you need to move forward with your life and how you can use their healing for yourself and your loved ones.

This will be an experiential day including plant meditations, mixing up your own flower essence combination, learning how to make flower essences and how to dowse using a pendulum, as well as finding out more about what individual flowers have to teach you and different ways of accessing their energy.

Saskia has been learning and teaching about flower essences for more than a decade and is passionate about passing on information and helping people see and experience the plant world in a different way. 

This day is open to all and includes lunch and refreshments, informal time for discussion and the opportunity to connect with plants and other people. Numbers limited to 5

Cost : £110 including lunch and refreshments and your own personal flower essence blend

Email Saskia to book your place. A non refundable deposit for £30 is required and the remaining payment is due a week before the course

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