Sexy and Gorgeous - for when you want to sparkle
Sexy and Gorgeous - for when you want to sparkle
This award winning essence blend is great to take before you go out or when you want to spend special time with someone else. For feeling confident, attractive and sure of your inner beauty.
For long standing issues of low self worth, body image issues and lacking in self confidence this essence can be taken twice daily for several weeks or just occasionally when you are in need of an extra lift.
You can read more about it here
Potentilla - I love who I am
Wisteria - for increasing intimate expression
Gorse - sunshine and joy
Dandelion - be present in your body
Buttercup - self-confidence
Crab Apple - clear guilt and shame
"This essence worked wonders for me. Six different men asked me on a date in two weeks and I’m now living with one of them. Need I say more?"
“ I have been taking this for a couple of days, and I’m standing tall and feeling sassy again! In fact I feel quite effervescent, and was complimented today on looking really well”
"My mum told me about Saskia’s flower essences saying that they might help me with how I was feeling. At 17 and being a lad I wasn’t sure about taking a flower essence but felt so disconnected to myself and my feelings that I was prepared to try it. My luck with girls was bad too. I decided to choose the ‘Sexy and Gorgeous’ essence. It’s magic! Literally straight away I felt calm, self confident and had the courage to be my real self. I take my essence as and when I feel I need it. And I’m now very happy with my new girlfriend who is Sexy and Gorgeous!"
“I’m such a fan of your Sexy and Gorgeous... I can testify it offers va va voom in the most delicious way 😍 Thank you for your amazing essences.”
“ I really love this - gives that boost and je ne saus quoi…and is super supportive for menopausal libido”
“I formulated this combination to add a bit of sparkle and lift when you aren't feeling good about yourself, when you don't feel like you deserve to be loved, when you are feeling a bit 'meh' .
Sometimes a few drops under your tongue is all it takes to add a spring to your step and a twinkle to your eyes.... it's great for going out partying or staying in with someone special.
And taken regularly over the course of a few weeks it can really help with people suffering from low self esteem and body image issues, those who don't feel good about themselves or who are looking to attract a partner.
Unless we love ourselves in all of our imperfect glory how can we expect others to love us in return ? What or who brings you fully alive and glowing with energy? ..
How do we shift all those negative thought patterns about our self worth, body ideals and lack of confidence that are stopping us living a love filled life?
Our Sexy and Gorgeous combination is designed to help people feel sexier and more gorgeous and to help them get over the blocks they have about being that …it’s about being more in your body, about being unashamed of your desires, about feeling good about yourself and unafraid to let people see who you really are....and IT WORKS
This is my favourite of our essence blends so I love it when people tell me what a good time they have had when taking it..... A woman came into the shop with her friend and said "It REALLY works" - she had a massive cheeky grin on her face whilst telling me that her husband kept asking her "have you taken your drops yet" 😁 It was such a joy to know that the flowers had done their work of making her feel great about herself and that she was able to fully open up to her partner and relax and have a good time.
I have always got a bottle of this in my bag for when I need an extra lift and sparkle...and always take a few drops before going out in the evening. I suggest that people take it as and when they feel like it but if you have a long standing issue with self esteem, body image, shyness etc it would be best to take twice daily for a couple of weeks to help shift negative thoughts and feelings.” Saskia