Spend a day with Saskia learning about the energetics of plants, what flower essences are, how they work and how they can help you. Plunge yourself deeper into feeling the plants living around you and accessing their lessons and healing. Find out what flowers you need to move forward with your life and how you can use their healing for yourself and your loved ones.
This will be an experiential day including plant meditations, mixing up your own flower essence combination, learning how to make flower essences and how to dowse using a pendulum, as well as finding out more about what individual flowers have to teach you and different ways of accessing their energy.
Saskia has been learning and teaching about flower essences for more than a decade and is passionate about passing on information and helping people see and experience the plant world in a different way.
This day is open to all and includes lunch and refreshments, informal time for discussion and the opportunity to connect with plants and other people. Numbers limited to 5
Cost : £110 including lunch and refreshments and your own personal flower essence blend
Email Saskia to book your place. A deposit for £20 is required and the remaining payment is due a week before the course