Morning Glory Flower Essence ~ releasing addictive patterns


Morning Glory Flower Essence ~ releasing addictive patterns


Ipomoea purpurea

Morning Glory flower essence helps shift patterns that may have been part of your upbringing, or your family history, and are controlling your life and seem impossible to shift. It helps unravel unwanted behaviours and let go of past situations.

~Do you suffer from addictions ?

~Do you find it difficult to talk to anyone about your problems ?

~Can you see no way out of your present situation ?

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“My bottle of Morning Glory (releasing addictive patterns) arrived today. Hey, that's powerful stuff. I had just opened the packet, and was making some tea. "A biscuit would be nice." I thought. "No!" came the next thought. And I hadn't even opened the bottle!”

“ Morning Glory helps free us from family constraints and constrictions. It helps us let go of addictive patterns and behaviours. It brings freedom and energy for us to move forward into our very own story, released from the bonds of the past.... whether that is a generational one, societal one or from our own past.

This is the flower of freedom and personal truth .

Morning Glory also helps us to be able to speak about our problems and issues and patterns and in doing so to release from the power of them.” Saskia on Instgram